Seasar is a lightweight Dependency-Injection container with AOP.
Seasar makes it easy to use each of J2EE features, such as transaction management,
DB connection, and connection pooling by the way of breaking down and reconstructing the J2EE.
Seasar aims for reducing complexity of J2EE development and providing simplicity, maintainability, and transparency.
There is no need for EJB container or heavy application server which push you to test in a difficult way.
Only you need is a web container and POJO(Plain Old Java Object).
So, with Seasar, you don't need anymore compilicated J2EE specifications.
You just take the features of J2EE whatever you want to and use these simply.
Ver2(Thanx nemo_kaz(^_^))
Seasar is a lightweight Dependency-Injection container using AOP.
Seasar makes it easier to use J2EE features, such as transaction management,
DB connection, and connection pooling by the way of reconstructing the J2EE.
Seasar reduces complexity of J2EE development, and provides simplicity,
maintainability, and transparency.
There is no need for EJB container or heavy application server which
pushes you to test in a bitter way.
All you need is a web container and POJO(Plain Old Java Object).
With Seasar, you don't have to read compilicated J2EE specifications anymore.
You just take advantages of the features of J2EE whatever and whenever you want.