Guice User's Guide(via id:iad_otomamayさんところ)



Guice User's Guide

■Java on Guice

■1. Introduction

■2. Plain Old Factories

■3. Dependency Injection By Hand

■4. Dependency Injection with Guice

■5. Guice vs. Dependency Injection By Hand

■6. More Annotations

■7. Architectural Overview

■8. Startup

■9. Runtime

■10. Bootstrapping Your Application

■11. Binding Dependencies

■12. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

■13. Annotating Bindings

■14. Creating Binding Annotations

■15. Annotations With Attributes

■16. Implicit Bindings

■17. Injecting Providers

■18. Injecting Constant Values

■19. Converting Strings

■20. Custom Providers

■21. Example: Integrating With JNDI

■22. Scoping Bindings

■23. Creating Scope Annotations

■24. Eagerly Loading Bindings

■25. Injecting Between Scopes

■26. Development Stages

■27. Intercepting Methods

■28. Static Injection

■29. Optional Injection

■30. Binding to Strings

■31. Struts 2 Support

■32. A Counting Example

■33. JMX Integration

■34. Appendix: How the Injector resolves injection requests
